menginstal Canon ip 1000 di Ubuntu 8.04
Habis masang Ubuntu senengnya minta ampun. Waktu mau ngeprint kok kagak bisa, "aku jadi capek deh"(kayak lagunya titi* eh T2 ). Bingung banget kan... Kayak biasanya saya berkunjung ke mbah dukun andalan saya "mbah google". Endar : Kulonuwun mbah, sepindah kulo bade silaturahmi engkang nomer kalih gadah masalah Mbah google : Masalah opo to le Endar : Kulo bade ndamel serat (surat) mboten saget nulis mbah Mbah google : nurut batinku kowe kudu neng Nah panduannya kayak gini But to explain it briefly: 1. I added the Ubuntu repository mentioned there to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb ./ 2. I installed the following packages: sudo apt-get install libcnbj-2.5 bjfilter-2.5 pstocanonbj 3. Then I went to the Stystem Settings > Printers > Add I chose the printer location and then it asked me for the manufacturer an model The Pixma iP1000 was not in the list, so I chose O...